EAKFC Competition Rules

General Rules

  1. Read the Rules: Before you take part in any EAKFC Fishing Trips, make sure that you are clear on all the rules - if in doubt ask the organiser. Any member who commits a breach of the rules shall be disqualified. All rules are subject to change at the discretion of the committee.
  2. The contest is restricted to manually paddled, sail assisted or peddled kayaks, Any other form of propulsion or watercraft is prohibited.
  3. Ferrying of Kayaks by any other vessel is prohibited. Any fish submitted for weigh-in are to have been caught from and transported back to shore by a Kayak.
  4. Only hand lines or rod may be used to catch fish submitted at the weigh-in. Each rod or hand line must have a maximum of two hooks. ONLY Artificial lures permit treble hooks.
  5. All day trips require a minimum of 5 or more registered members to go ahead and be considered a club day and the catch count towards competition results. No further entries will be accepted after the closing time advised by the trip organiser. But this is at the discretion of the organiser.
  6. To be eligible for the receipt of prizes on club days the following is required:-
    1. You must be a registered and fully paid up member
    2. Trip forms must be submitted prior to the trip
    3.  You must be present at the official weigh in.
  7. There may be a briefing on the morning of the competition, check with the organiser.
  8. Weigh-in time will be advised by the organiser prior to the trip, you must be back and have your fish measured before this time.
  9. All fish presented for weigh-in must be legal as per current MPI regulations
  10. Refer to species list below for sizes permitted for measuring(Season specific).
  11. Any member found with undersized fish will be removed from the club.
  12. Fish deemed not to be in fresh condition will be excluded from the weigh-in.
  13. Fish must be whole to be measured
  14. If two potential prize winning fish are weighed-in at equal length then the first fish that was submitted for weighing shall be deemed the winner. The second fish weighed-in at that weight shall then become the runner-up.
  15. All matters on which these rules are silent shall be determined at the discretion of the organiser.
  16. The payment of EAKFC annual joining fees constitutes acceptance of the rules and regulations of the contest and participants agree to abide by the decision of the committee. No correspondence will be entered into.
  17. EAKFC will take no responsibility for any death, loss, injury, or damages which occur during club trips. You enter these events at your own risk.
  18. All members' vehicles must be parked legally, as per Council's by-laws.
  19. Members should report any breaches of the rules to the organiser and or committee.
  20. Conduct: The organiser reserves the right to cancel the entry of any person or persons who, in the opinion of the organiser, are contrary to the spirit in which this contest is run. The decision of the organiser is final.
  21. The Fish species for the EAKFC annual fishing competition are as per the chart below.
  22. The trip organizer is the primary person responsible for cancelling a trip or event, However the chairman can also cancel the trip if they believe there is a good reason to do so. The decision of the chairman is final
  23. Only fish caught on designated EAKFC Club Days or Weekend Trips count toward any EAKFC competitions.
  24. Only need to catch 1 legal size fish off each species during the year to count e.g. 4 species beats 3 species regardless of weight/length of individual fish.
  25. In event of a tie at year end e.g. 4 species each then winner is person with the longest length total for their 4 species.
  26. The competition is based on the recorded length, not weights

Team Rules (if teams are allowed)

  1. Maximum number of members per team is three.
  2. ALL members of the team must be paid up members of the EAKFC.
  3. Rules for the main competition apply to the Team's Event
  4. To enter the competition in a team, there is no additional cost.

Safety Rules

  1. New contestants are advised to adopt the 'buddy system', staying with another angler or group. You can request this when completing the trip form, The organiser will be pleased to assist in arranging a buddy.Note: the buddy system is designed for kayak fisherman who have some experience, not for novices, novices should not attend club days.If you wish to try kayak fishing, hire a kayak and head out you will not do this on a club day, instead you should contact the club and a a trip will be arranged to an easy location with a few experienced members who can assist.
  2. VHF radio communication is required for each angler. For emergencies the cell phone number/ VHF call sign will be recorded on the registration forms of the respective contestants. The relevant VHF radio channels are as follows: Channel 16 International Distress, The club uses channel 8 as a rule.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the contestants to determine that launching and fishing conditions at the locations they choose to fish, are safe for their craft and personal capabilities.
  4. All members shall be required to confirm that they have the following mandatory safety equipment in order to be eligible to fish during EAKFC events.

  1. Mandatory
    • Approved PFD/Life Jacket (to be worn at all times on the water) by everyone using a Kayak.
    • Communication: Everyone must carry a working VHF radio.
    • Distress Whistle (attached to PFD).
    • Tow Line or suitable device such as drogue line,  Anchor Rope, etc.